Friday, May 2, 2008

Dr. Office Horror...

When I went to the doctor today for the face fungus (not it's medical term) the weighed me. I am horrified by what that scale said. Time to make some changes for me. Not because someone said something mean to me, not because I have such a pretty face. Because it is time for me.

Two things I did today for me, to feel better for me:
1. Walked 1.25 miles on the tread.
2. Shared a dinner entree at Chinese instead of snarfing the whole thing myself.

Small is better than nothing. Keep up the progress, self. You can do it.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Journaling update...

Food journaling has been VERY eye opening. I eat nothing but shit. And lots of it. It also helped me identify that I need to eat more fruits and veggies and less sugar. I knew I was deficient in the produce area, but putting it on paper really showed me by how much. There were two days in the last seven where my only actual fruit or vegetable consumed was juice. Well, if you count spaghetti sauce, I had that too. But still.

I also had a day when I binged on chocolate, big time. I ended up with a horrible headache by the end of the day and puked. I almost never puke, even when I'm sick. I sort of suspect it was a migraine, but I don't think I have ever had one before. It was not pleasant. If I had not been journaling, I don't think I would have noticed the food pattern.

Interesting and worth the three minutes a day it takes to write stuff down. My goal for the next week is to track the calories too. I probably don't want to know how bad it will be.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Food Journaling

I read an article in Good Housekeeping or some other old lady magazine about food journaling the other day. I found it pretty simplistic and easy to do. One woman had lost something like 150lbs using the method. The main idea is to write everything you eat, every meal, every lick, every drink or nibble. The lady that lost that huge amount of weight made it a habit of writing down everything before she ate it. Want a candy bar, ok. Just write it in the book first. The idea is that you will really start to examine what you are putting in your body. You will watch for the proper balance of meats vs. breads vs veggies. Of course, I could use a whole page of just candy. Ummm, Candy. Candy is my weakness. Sugar, sweets, yumminess. If the world's sugar supply evaporated today, I would lose 100 lbs in a snap. How do you quit a socially acceptable addiction? I wonder if the notebook method may be a way to help me become more aware, at least. Can't hurt to try for two weeks, I think. So. starting tomorrow, I journal. I can do it. I can discipline myself. Ja?

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I fell off the treadmill today. I'm hurting. I messed up my right leg pretty badly and my left knee is swelled up. My ass totally aches. Hopefully, it doesn't bind up over night. I may have to have someone come and roll me out of bed in the morning.